Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Jaydodge strikes again!

Hey, world. Remember me? I'm that pesky little girl who's on Xanga 24/7. Not even. It's more like 30/366. And yes, I include the day, because I'm a Leap Day baby.

This is my regular blog. I update it just about every day. I'm kind of a freak like that. If you want to go read it, you can. If you want a summary, I'll give you one. Okay. So I started blogging in eighth grade. I was twelve. It was October 22nd, 2004, I think. Yes, it was. My friend, Preksha, had showed me this incredible site where you could have your own blog, and write about your day - it was called Xanga.com. So I thought it was pretty incredible, and signed up.


Three years later, I still blog daily. My posts are mostly full of teenage angst, quotes from songs (especially Jason Mraz - I apologize if it's illegal, I mean it in all good intent), unresolved feelings, strange rants and amusing non-sequiturs. (And if spellcheck tells me that's not right, them screw that.) That's basically my blog in a nutshell. You want my life in a nutshell? I'm sorry. You're going to have to go over to Xanga for that.

Sometimes I am poetic. More often than not, I am confused at the way the world works, and I express my displeasure at humanity's... utter... thingyness.

I'm sorry this isn't a very clear entry or whatever. I actually have to go do some English homework (read: evil AP Lang stuff) and then I must go and actually blog on my other site. It's an addiction. You know?

Good night. Thanks for reading. And remember: this is so easy, a Jaydodge could do it.

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