Monday, October 22, 2007

Happy... what?

Homecoming was on Saturday. In a word, it sucked. That's two words. Who cares?

The boy I like doesn't like me. Moan, sigh, groan. Sob. Oh well. That's what life is, isn't it? A bunch of lies. You live, you laugh, you realize you've been lying to yourself all this time. You fool everybody else, but the real fool is you. That would be me, folks.

Meanwhile, there is one of my friends who's a guy... he's younger than me... and I'm so confused about him. He's friends with the guy I like, just so you know. As if that didn't make things more awkward.

To top it all off, I no longer have a best friend. She has a best friend who is not me. They're secure in their own little world. Now, all me and my former best friend talk about is just school and stuff. It's weird. I miss her. A lot. We've been friends since seventh grade. We used to be closer than... I don't know. But we're not anymore. She has Anjali for that now. Why should I care? As long as she's happy, that's fine with me. (insert lie here)

Maybe I am emo.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Jaydodge strikes again!

Hey, world. Remember me? I'm that pesky little girl who's on Xanga 24/7. Not even. It's more like 30/366. And yes, I include the day, because I'm a Leap Day baby.

This is my regular blog. I update it just about every day. I'm kind of a freak like that. If you want to go read it, you can. If you want a summary, I'll give you one. Okay. So I started blogging in eighth grade. I was twelve. It was October 22nd, 2004, I think. Yes, it was. My friend, Preksha, had showed me this incredible site where you could have your own blog, and write about your day - it was called So I thought it was pretty incredible, and signed up.


Three years later, I still blog daily. My posts are mostly full of teenage angst, quotes from songs (especially Jason Mraz - I apologize if it's illegal, I mean it in all good intent), unresolved feelings, strange rants and amusing non-sequiturs. (And if spellcheck tells me that's not right, them screw that.) That's basically my blog in a nutshell. You want my life in a nutshell? I'm sorry. You're going to have to go over to Xanga for that.

Sometimes I am poetic. More often than not, I am confused at the way the world works, and I express my displeasure at humanity's... utter... thingyness.

I'm sorry this isn't a very clear entry or whatever. I actually have to go do some English homework (read: evil AP Lang stuff) and then I must go and actually blog on my other site. It's an addiction. You know?

Good night. Thanks for reading. And remember: this is so easy, a Jaydodge could do it.